Introduction of Lumion
Lumion integrates into any design process; it's an activity that emboldens your craft and inspires your vision. Lumion breathes life into rendering, making the process simple and enjoyable from the moment you import your model until you render out a beautiful image, video, or 360 panoramas.
Scope of Course Lumion
Lumion 3D is modern software and that’s why it has many features which make the detailing of your 3d models more accurate. Some of the features include :
• Volumetric Spotlights and Omni lights : With Lumion 12 Pro, it’s now easy to set the lighting according to the atmosphere of the designs. The new volumetric light effect lets you create a beautiful, cinematic ambiance. However, you can also give Omni lights effects across the beautiful atmospheric glow. You can even modify the detailing like the brightness, falloff, and shadows.
• Animated Phasing and Orthographic Views : You can now show the animated process behind your design’s development. The cool animation effects from Lumion let you make amazing animation to describe your projects. Lumion also lets you add more color, texture, and details to the project and also lets you make lively plans, sections, elevations, and more.
Career Prospects / Job Roles after Lumion
Lumion has a very good learning curve as it is easy to learn and has very intuitive tools. The software has the possibility to render both images and animations and this is very good compared to the competitors
Visualizer Architect / Digital Artist 3D
Interior Designer
Landscape Architect
Design Architect
Senior Architect
₹ 12400
40 Hours
Syllabus for Lumion Courses in Hyderabad
Session - 1
Getting Started with Lumion
Why use Lumion?
Lumion 8 features for elevating render beauty to new heights
Simulate daylight with Sky Light: Sky Light’s impact on exteriors, Sky Light’s impact on interiors
Highlight every detail with Soft and Fine Detail Shadows
Possibilities with LUMION
Concept rendering with the hand-drawn Outlines effect: Watercolour Style
Instant smooth edges with the edges slider
What can we get from Lumion?
Importing 3D models:
3D formats,2D formats, Video formats
Workstation specifications
Starting to work with Lumion: A quick overview
Lumion's 3D interface: Start tab, Examples tab, The Load scene tab, Save scene tab
Camera navigation in Lumion, Exploring the interface and controlling the camera
Weather menu, Landscape menu, Materials menu, Objects menu, Photo menu, Movie menu, Panorama menu, Build menu, Files menu, Settings menu, Help menu and Lumion's layers menu
Session - 2
Practice 01: Importing Different Types of file into SketchUp
Session - 3
Importing and Handling 3D Models
Importing 3D models
Import New Model: Select object, Importing SketchUp files
Re-Import Model: Method 1: Build Mode, Rearranging 3D models
Place mode tools: Move object, Size object, Change height, Rotate, Change the value in Orientation ( ) menu and Using Hotkeys
Placing 3D model accurately
Move mode menu tools
Common problems and solutions
Reversed or missing faces
Session - 4
Practice02: Create an interior model and populate the scene by placing components.
Session - 5
Applying and Creating Materials
Material or texture, A quick overview of Lumion's materials, Assigning materials to a 3D model
Modifying and tweaking Lumion's materials: Scale, Colorization, Reflection, Glossiness and more
Controlling the refection sharpness: Gloss, Reflectivity, Relief, Normal map direction, After - Flip normal direction
Expanded Settings: Position tab, Orientation tab, Transparency tab, Settings tab, Weathering tab, Foliage tab
Custom materials: Working with the Glass material, Hiding geometry with the Invisible material,
Creating swimming pools and other water surfaces, Using the fantastic Water material, Exploring the Waterfall material, The Standard material
The mysterious Advanced Options menu
How do Normal Maps work in Lumion: Using the Normal Map generator, Using Normal Maps from 3rd party applications
Copy, Paste, Save and Load materials in Lumion: Copy/pasting a Material, Loading/saving a Material to a file, Copy/pasting Extended settings, Loading/saving a Material Set to a file
Session - 6
Practice 03: Create and apply materials.
Session - 7
Creating an Exterior Scene with Lumion
Planning your scene, Sculpting the terrain, Lumion's sculpting tools
Shaping the terrain with the Height submenu: Brush Size setting, Brush Speed setting, The Undo button, Using a graphic tablet to sculpt, Working with the Terrain submenu, Flatten terrain map, Toggle rock on/off
Using terrain or height maps
Creating a height map: Using Adobe Photoshop and GIMP, Using an external application
Creating height maps for real locations
Modelling a 3D terrain: The Landscape material, Water material
Water submenu: Place object, Move Object, Delete Object
Ocean submenu
Scattering elements with the Grass submenu, Choosing the landscape with the Paint submenu
Working with Open Street Map in Lumion
Using Lumion's layers: Why use layers?, Where is the Layers menu?, How layers work in Lumion
Session - 8
Practice 04: Create an exterior scene.
Session - 9
Creating Your 3D World
Different categories and what we can find, Idle, animated, and other 3D models
Placing a 3D model from Lumion's library: Placing multiple copies with one click, Random size when placing models
Tweaking the 3D models
Controlling the models: Copying 3D models, Selecting and deleting 3D models
Context menu: Select in library, Replace with library selection
Selection options: Select identical objects, Select All Objects in category, Selecting different categories
Controlling 3D models with the Transformation submenu: Lock Position, Place on ground, Reset size rotation, Same rotation, Randomize, Space XZ, Align
Editing the properties of a 3D model: Control Tree properties dialog box
Session - 10
Practice 05: Populate an exterior scene.
Session - 11
Lighting in Lumion
Lumion lighting – a quick overview, Adjusting the Weather menu, Exterior lighting with the Weather menu
Photo and Movie modes – a very quick introduction
How to create a golden and blue hour: Blue hour, Golden hour
Creating a golden and blue hour with the Sun effect
Adding realistic clouds using the Cloud effect
Interior lighting with Lumion's lights: Spotlights, Omni Lights, Fill Light, Area and Line Lights, Light source
Working with Global illumination
Utilities: Improving reflections with a reflection cube
Session - 12
Practice 06: Add lighting to an interior scene.
Session - 13
Creating Realistic Visualizations
Special effects—fire, smoke, and fog
Special elements: Fire – a practical example, Smoke, Fog
Photo and Movie effects, What are the effects and how can they help me?, Things needed for this chapter
Visualize your conceptual designs in Lumion 8: Instant conceptual renders with the
Styles button, Water colour style, Colour Sketch
The difference with using the Movie mode
Sun study – what is it and how can it be useful, Change Style, Add effect
Tweaking shadows using the Shadow effect
Working of shadows in Lumion, Correcting shadows, Colouring and tweaking soft shadows
Creating realistic reflections, Improving the realism with Camera effects, Camera effects – what are they and how to use them, Depth of field, Creating lens artifacts with the Lens Flare effect
Balancing the Bloom effect with the Exposure effect, Noise, Changing the saturation with the Selective Saturation effect, Colour correcting in Lumion
Adding vignette, Lens' errors – chromatic aberrations, A practical application for the God Rays effect, Working with Horizon, Volume Clouds
Render still Images with the Photo mode, How to control the effects
Session - 14
Practice 07: Create an exterior render with special effects.
Session - 15
Non-photorealistic Visualizations with Lumion
Non-Photorealistic Rendering, Benefits of using NPR's illustrations, How can Lumion help us?
Moving, deleting, and hiding effects
How to use the artistic effects, Conceptual visualization with the Painting, Watercolour, and Sketch effects
The first layer – the Painting effect, The first layer – the Watercolour effect, The second layer – the Sketch effect
Technical illustrations with the Manga and Cartoon effects: Correcting perspective with a 2-point perspective, Exploring and using the Manga effect, Working with the Cartoon effect
How to use the Outlines effect and Lumion’s other artistic options: Pastel Sketch, Oil Painting, Blueprint
Breaking down a concept render: Watercolour, Outlines, Analog Colour Lab
Session - 16
Practice 08: Create a render with artistic effects.
Session - 17
Animation Techniques
Lumion's Movie mode – a quick overview, Motive and the need to create a storyboard,
Lumion's Movie mode – the workflow
Step 1 – Shoot the movie: Creating a camera path, The camera path – how it works, Best practices – creating a smooth camera path, Composition and its importance, Composition, Importance of composition, Getting a good composition
Step 2 – Editing the clips: Editing a camera path, Changing the video length, Camera- filming techniques, Tracking
Step 3 – Organizing the movie: Handling clips, Renaming clips, Deleting and controlling multiple clips, How can we move and rearrange the clips?
Step 4 – Animating objects and effects: Lumion's animation effects – a quick overview, Animating layers with the Hide and Show layer effects, Sky drop with Lumion, Animating a section cut with the Near Clip Plane effect, Keyframe, Simple animations with the Move effect, Animating curved paths with the Advanced move effect
Session - 18
Practice 09: Create a simple animation as shown.
Session - 19
Creating Walk-through Visualizations
Lumion's video effects – a quick overview, The Entire Movie mode
Two exclusive effects – Side By Side 3D stereo and Sound effect, Best practices – copying effects from the Photo mode
Improving the movie using additional effects: Using depth of field and animating the camera's focus, Adding realistic motion blur, Walking and handling the camera, Visual effects – Rain, Snow, and much more, Winter time with the Snow and Rain effects
Small details with Lumion effects: Water effect, Contrails effect, Wind effect, A special touch with falling leaves
Enriching the movie using sound, Playing safe with the Broadcast Safe effect
Final touches using the Titles and In/Out effects: Fading in/out – transitions between clips, Adding text and logos with the Titles effect
Rendering the final movie: Exporting an entire movie, Exporting individual clips, Rendering a sequence of images, Render passes
Session - 20
Practice 10: Create and export an indoor/outdoor walk through video.
FAQs on Lumion Course
What is Lumion?
Lumion is a 3D rendering software used to create real-time 3D visuals for architecture, urban planning, and design projects. It enables you to quickly and easily create stunning 3D visuals in an interactive, photo-realistic environment.
What are the system requirements for Lumion?
Lumion requires a 64-bit version of Windows 10, 8.1 or 7 SP1 and a minimum of 4 GB of RAM. A compatible graphics card with at least 2 GB of memory is also required.
What type of files can be imported into Lumion?
Lumion can import SketchUp, 3DS Max, Blender, OBJ, FBX and Collada files.
Does Lumion have an animation feature?
Yes, Lumion includes an animation feature that enables you to create complex animations from a single scene.
Does Lumion support virtual reality?
Yes, Lumion supports virtual reality headsets and is compatible with the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality headsets.
What types of materials can be used in Lumion?
Lumion offers a variety of material types including brick, concrete, stucco, wood, metal, glass, foliage, and more. You can also create your own custom materials and apply them to objects in your scene.
How can I add objects to my Lumion scene?
You can add objects to your Lumion scene by navigating to the Objects tab and selecting from the range of models, objects, and materials available. You can also import your own models or objects from other 3D software, or download models and objects from the Lumion Content Library.
Can I add animation to my Lumion scene?
Yes, Lumion offers a range of animation tools and features, such as camera paths, animation triggers, and more. You can also create your own custom animations and apply them to objects in your scene.
How can I add lighting to my Lumion scene?
Lumion offers a range of lighting tools and features, such as Sunlight, Daylight, Artificial lighting, and more. You can also create your own custom lighting setups and apply them to your scene.
Can I add people to my Lumion scene?
Yes, Lumion includes a range of people models that you can add to your scene. You can also download additional people models from the Lumion Content Library or create your own custom models.
Your Instructor
Bhargava Krishna
Meet our Civil CAD expert, with over 8 years of experience in the field, they bring a wealth of knowledge and hands-on expertise to the classroom. They have been trained in the latest tools and techniques in the industry, including AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUP, and StaadPro. Their passion for teaching and design shines through in their lessons, making complex concepts easy to understand and retain. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced engineer, our instructor will guide you through each step of the process and help you build your skillset to reach your goals. They believe in a hands-on approach to learning and will provide ample opportunities for you to apply what you learn through real-world projects and simulations. Join us for a comprehensive and enjoyable learning experience, and take your Civil CAD skills to the next level.